
The Psyched impact, by our participants and practitioners

Hear directly from those who have experienced the power of Psyched's programmes in delivering transformational change, both personally and professionally.

Transforming pioneering leaders

The return from your investment – whether that’s personally, professionally or financially – in the work undertaken with Psyched is at the heart of every programme we offer. This series of short films demonstrates the impact our programmes have had on those we work with. If you’re considering taking part in a Psyched programme, we’re sure these insights will help direct your next steps.

These first two videos look at the impact of Psyched from the perspective of both our past participants and the best-in-class practitioners you will work with on our programmes:

For many of those considering getting involved with Psyched, we realise this may be unchartered territory. Here, our programme alumni describe how they were feeling before they took part:

What might you expect on your journey with Psyched? We can easily tell you the ingredients of any programme, but in this film, our past participants talk about what they experienced during their own journey:

At Psyched we pride ourselves in the combination of practitioners we have brought together to develop your ‘whole self’ wellbeing. In this film our alumni discuss the impact of the collective group of experts:

An Executive Coach Summary

Leading executive coach, Maria Fay, briefly and succinctly gives an overview of the power of Psyched against a perspective of having worked with top performing leaders in many of our most renowned organisations: